Monday, June 8, 2009

You see there's this guy... <3

"...and he doesn't even know what he does to me..."

So there's this guy that I've known since my Senior year of high school. His name is Josh and I had fallen hard-- head over heels for him. I'm not exactly sure when it hit me, but all I can remember is the feeling of utter happiness every time he was around me. Just thinking about him and writing about him, still makes me smile and giggle like a pre-teen. He has a lot of good qualities. He's kind, considerate, funny, and he's genuinely a good guy. He would never intentionally hurt a girl, and when it comes to their feelings, he's delicate. Josh can be the alpha-male, but he's sensitive too. He's laid back and goes with the flow. He has drive, especially when he's determined to reach a specific goal. He can be protective, not just of his girl, but of his friends, sisters, and sometimes... over someone like me.

Josh and I had two classes senior year and even though one of the subjects weren't so enjoyable-- he made me look forward to it. We were friends, and he even once called me a good friend. It seems so small now, but back then I felt like doing back flips. But with that title of being a "good friend," came with a price: to actually BE a good friend. I knew what being a good friend meant. To be there for him; to encourage and cheer him on; to make him smile when he's feeling down; and to listen to him... Listen.

Listen to him talk about her. Listen to him talk about how she was so great, and how he really wanted to be with her. Listen to him talk about how he'd be good to her. Listen to him rant about that other boy who wanted her too. Listen to him compare himself to that other boy. Listen to him in all his happiness after he finally had her. Listen to him in all his broken heartedness after loosing her. Listen to him talk about trying to get her back. Listen to his desolation, after he lost her to the other boy. Listen to him talk, and talk, and talk, his voice louder than the rhythm my heart was beating for him...

Even though it hurt, at least I listened.

Insight, from the shower <33

** photo provided by michexist on deviantART [ click ].

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